The NewlyWeds

The NewlyWeds

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Humidity, Blisters and High Speed Internet

So, I touched down in the Big Apple about ten days ago now and I have walked a total of 105 289 steps since then! It has been non-stop in a good and bad way.
I arrived at our lovely apartment in the East Village and was surprised by how big 375 square feet can actually be! There is a great coffee shop downstairs which allows you to sit and surf the web all day by only purchasing one cup of coffee; there is a yoga studio next door called "Yoga for Tired People" (i must try it simply because of the name) and dozens of restaurants a few blocks away.
Here are some interesting things I have learnt over the past ten days: 1) Buy proper shoes that are designed for walking a mimimum of 5km a day; 2) Even with those shoes, you will get blisters but after a while you stop noticing them; 3) Take a jersey everywhere because inside it is freezing and outside it is a heat you have never experienced before (and I a from DURBAN!); 4) Humidity is something else here. Apparently because the city is surrounded by sky scrapers, the heat just is trapped in and you feel like you are in a sauna all day; 5) There are places that will deliver a delightful range of cookies 24 hours a day; 6) Stores that sell wine are open until 11pm every night; 7) You can order everything online but if you miss the delivery then you are a bit stuck; 8) Everything is an 'assemble yourself' but the chairs I made seem to be still standing despite the fact that i had one screw left over...; 9) There is an app for everything and life can be very easy; 10) High speed internet changes lives! But the service providers rival telkom in the uselessness! It is a bit odd being a student again; especially a, what i call, a 'mature student' who is newly married. But it is incredible to be surrounded by books and knowledge again. The campus surrounds Washington Square Park which is alive with excitement, music, magic (no jokes...Magicians)and people sun-bathings all the time!
It is hot, humid and sweaty but I will live up every moment of summer. And Andre has arrived now which is wonderful...and so begins our New York Adventure #RSAtakesUSA

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